Before you start a business, you need to have a company name. That’s the crucial task. For many people deciding on the name is the first step. It's because it is easy and obvious when you are a business owner. However, others might find it challenging to select a business name that fits the brand and its mission.
Today, short company names are becoming popular. Do you plan to give your company a short name? If yes, here are a few pointers that you need to keep in mind.
1. Understand the essence of your business
The ideal process to start selecting a short company name is to assess the business essence. It would help if you considered the business plan, the mission statement, and your organization's unique selling proposition. Also, it would help if you didn't forget the target audience and all that you got to know from the market research. A fewquestions that will enable you to select a short company name are:
- What message will your company name portray?
- What are the highest priorities of the business name? Should the name be simple to pronounce, unique and different? Should it get linked to your services and products?
- What should people feel and think when they look at your business name?
- What is the name of your competition? List down what you appreciate and don't appreciate about those names?
- Why do you want a short company name?
2. Arrange for a brainstorming session
When you know the elements that you want in the business name, you need to get creative. It's essential to get free-thinking and creative at this stage. If you generate more ideas, you will have an increased number of possibilities. You can carry out various brainstorming sessions. A few with yourself and some with a partner or a colleague, and share as many business names as possible. When you are brainstorming, you should keep in mind that your ideas should tally with the business essence. Simultaneously, allow your thoughts to flow limitlessly. Mind mapping, brain dumping, word association, and list-making are a few ways to brainstorm. Also, click on nydailybusiness to see something new.
3. Try and avoid any imitating any other name
It's not easy to select a short company name. Yet several companies are opting in for it. And it is here that, as a business owner, you need to exercise your discretion. It would help if you didn't choose a short company name that rhymes or is remotely similar in pronunciation or essence to another company. That way, you will put your company in a negative light. If people think you are emulating another brand, it will negatively affect your company's value and reputation. Hence, it's best to list down a set of company names and then research to check if it sounds similar to any other name. Good research and brainstorming will enable you to get the best name for your company according to CTN News.
These are some of the essential steps using which you can decide on a short company name. Make sure that your company name is unique, caters to your purpose, and is easy to understand and remember for your target audience.